we are committed to designing sustainably and minimising environmental impact wherever possible

Location: York Building
What we offer
Commercial properties
- Flood risk assessments & hydrological modelling
- Environmental impact assessment
- Geo-environmental appraisals
“Lorem lacus reiciendis illo placerat tempus, temporibus deserunt commodo incidunt error, unde. Facilisis aspernatur.Recusandae illum ” – Will Quarmby, CEO at York Building
What we offer
flood risk assessments & hydrological modelling
As well as being a key component of good design, a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is currently required for all developments in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and has been a key planning document since the release of PPG25 in 2001 (replaced by PPS25 in 2006).
Fusion CSE can assess developments of all sizes and through innovative design, are often able to improve the proposals to create a scheme which can meet the needs of the developer and satisfy the requirements of the Environment Agency

Environmental impact assessment
Fusion CSE can manage and co-ordinate the Environmental Impact Assessment process and provide input where required so that projects do not experience unnecessary delays, whilst complying with legislation, planning conditions and any other parties with interest in the site.
Geo-environmental appraisals
Fusion CSE offer specialist desktop appraisals which draw on the knowledge and experience of our multi-disciplinary team and can be used to inform a prospective site purchase and to supplement information required to validate a planning application.
The information gathered can also be used to carry out preliminary design and therefore assist in generating budget construction costs and build programmes.
Fusion CSE advise on sustainable energy solutions such as biomass, energy from waste and wind turbines, both in terms of construction of infrastructure and also, in conjunction with their strategic partners, on suitability as alternative sources of power.